Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Road Trip Tips for Couples

In working on the US Route 89 project, my wife and I have done some long road trips. The last one was 15 days long and we drove over 4,000 miles from Arizona to Canada and back. Therefore I can really relate to the eight tips for couples planning a driving vacation. Road trips can be great fun and make a relationship stronger or they can be a disaster. Actually, there is probably some of both in any long trip. The trick is to make stressful situations an opportunity to grow as a couple. It is worth the effort.

Road Trip Tips for Couples: "The reason there's a dark side to road trips is that, while they seem like the ultimate in carefree travel, they are in fact tiring and stressful. Before you actually hit the road, your mental image is likely drawn from car ads filmed on a perfect day in a perfect car on an empty road with endless vistas and no speed limit. You've left your troubles behind, and your biggest worry is that your hair -- because you're in a convertible, of course -- might get tangled. To help ensure that a snarled coiffure really is your biggest problem when you hit the road with your soul mate, here are eight tips to help you plan the romantic getaway of your dreams."